
What our clients say

Logistic matters!

"Leaders win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics. And with Ship Lines Express you cant think of any superior partner"

Thank You

Edward Evans

Amazing service!

"Excellent service, better now that you can book a collection for morning or afternoon (and not have to wait in all day). Only complaint I would have, and it is a bit of a lame one as I live in a small village, is that I would like easier access to a collection point."

Lola Hall

100% quality!

"For years, I have been working with Ship Lines Express, and never have they ever failed. In the whole of Hungary I cant recommend any better logistics company, than Ship Lines Express. My farm and other Agro products are being distributed through out Europe by Ship Lines Express. Thanks Ship Lines Express "

James Jones

Always on time!

" Wow! could not belief when customer service said i was going to get my parcel in 24houurs and they kept to their word. i have recommmemded many friends and colleagues to Ship Lines Express and they come back with even better results. All they talk about is Safety and timely delivery."

Brovo Ship Lines Express !!

French Business Man


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